Check this box if you are a builder of newly constructed or substantially renovated housing in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, BC or Nova Scotia and you are required to report any of the following on your return for this reporting period (or, in the case of the BC transition rebate, you are reporting the amount of the rebate in this reporting period):
- the sale of grandparented housing, including the sale of housing originally purchased on a grandparented basis and later sold or self-supplied under conditions where the HST applies or an increased rate of HST applies;
- the transitional tax adjustment that applies to grandparented sales of housing;
- the 2% BC transition tax and/or the BC transition rebate related to BC's return to the GST;
- a provincial transitional new housing rebate that has been assigned to you by the purchaser (RC7000 Type 2 only).
For more information, see GST/HST Info Sheet GI-118,
Builders and GST/HST NETFILE.